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Our System





We use truck-mounted cleaning equipment -- that means more deep cleaning power. And, because we care about your health and the well-being of our planet, we use powerful but eco-responsible, family friendly, and pet safe cleaning solutions that are bio-degradable. We all need to do our part to protect our environment!


We “pre-treat” carpets (before heavy-duty steam cleaning) using an effective spray-on application. Our proprietary triple blend formula for pre-treatment includes (i.) a cleaning solution for "corrective cleaning" with extreme soil and spot removal, (ii.) a disinfectant for more cleaning power while killing molds, bacteria, and viruses, and (iii.) a deodorizer to counteract most carpet odor; and it's included FREE! At cleaning levels 2 and 3 we provide Post-Treatment (Step 10), giving any spots or problem areas extra attention with even stronger pre-spray boosters and stain-specific solutions.


We offer a Free Re-Clean Guarantee -- if any spots resurface, we'll re-clean for free!


Click to find out more about our proprietary triple blend Eco-friendly Pre-treatment spray-on formula and application.


Click to find out more about the specialized, state-of-the-art Equipment we use during our cleaning process.


Call us today at 706-853-2206 to schedule your cleaning appointment.

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